Kraft Kosher

Thursday, March 31, 2005


I drove my mother to work during lunch. Afterwards, I caught a Mincha Minyan at one o'clock (the timing worked out perfectly, especially considering I wasn't positive what time they would daven). I figured better to take a few minutes off of work midday, and be able to stay as late as necessary than rush back from dropping my mom off and pushing to get out in time for prayers before sundown. I ended up working until 7, so from a work-hour standpoint, I definitely was able to put in more this way.

Unrelated, I had a conversation with my new supervisor about praying in synagogue. I explained how I arrange my coming and going around prayer times. Hopefully, that'll give her a better understanding of my work ethic - I'm not running away from work...I'm running to synagogue.


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