Kraft Kosher

Monday, March 28, 2005

What Dress Code?

There's this new girl in the office. She must be in her mid-twenties, blonde, thin. Not a model, but she is attractive enough. But apparently she is one of those girls who grew up in a trailer home. She doesn't seem to understand professional dress. She appears to be from somewhere where the only way she knows how to get attention is by dressing, well, by not dressing. In a professional environment, status is basically acheived by dressing with class, ie wearing matching clothing, brand names, the latest styles. In the trailer parks, it is like sticking a piece of meat into a shark tank. The less you wear, the more attention you get, and therefore get further in life. But an office isn't quite like that. As in all more sophisticated enviroments, you have to be more tactful.

So this girl doesn't seem to understand any of that. She wears short skirts, tight pants, low cut blouses, and blouses that don't fully cover her stomach. We have a dress code and Kraft, but maybe because it's business casual, maybe that is accepted as anything goes.

I don't know whether to say something to this girl or her boss. It just seems so out of place. Even for her, I think she should know. Like a guy who is walking around with his zipper down, sometimes you appreciate somebody letting you know that you missed something. Of course, some people would rather learn on their own, and avoid the awkward moment.


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