Kraft Kosher

Thursday, April 28, 2005


After spending a lot of time on a few special projects, I got rocked. Slapped in the face. Put down. My boss' boss' boss asked me to do some things, and I did them. But apparently it wasn't how the person he was doing it for wanted it. But I never got that information. So he just slammed me for not doing it right. But I'm really sure I did everything I was asked. If it wasn't what he wanted, either the person doing it before me was doing it wrong, or he didn't give me good instructions. He obviously isn't good at giving feedback. Whether it was just the way he communicated it, or whether he really felt I did a bad job, it definitely felt like I took a serious hit. And apparently I'm not the only one picking up on this sentiment. My boss and my boss' boss both mentioned their impressions separately. It looks like I'll have to adjust my work. That's the corporate game.


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