Office Romances
Get this latest water cooler gossip. One of my co-workers comes over to me after a meeting, and asks me if it's true that I have a crush on another specific coworker.
How great is that? I'm now the subject of celebrity speculation. This could really promote me as a hearthrob.
But I wonder how this reflects on me as a religious guy. You know, being a sex object doesn't flow naturally with the uniform.
How great is that? I'm now the subject of celebrity speculation. This could really promote me as a hearthrob.
But I wonder how this reflects on me as a religious guy. You know, being a sex object doesn't flow naturally with the uniform.
It works for Matisyahu ...
And from a female's perspective on the uniform, I personally find a reverence for G-d to be incredibly attractive.
Erica, at 1:40 PM
I guess that's why M and I both have to fight off all these devout shiksas...jk
Josh, at 11:48 AM
Man, you get the women on the airplanes, airports, restaurants, shuls, every place you go you are the babe magnet. Woooo! Now the watercooler? Women at the office, not Jewish women, maybe even some married women, that is so kewl. But sadly,it just doesn't work with the uniform you keep mentioning. If "M" is the frum boss you mentioned and he is happily married he can't be too happy being mentioned in your blog this way either. Happily married men tend to stay away from insinuations of affairs and the like. That's one of the funny little secrets that keeps them and their spouses happily married. I know, I know you never said "M" was CV"S having an affair but this might be the moment for you to reflect on the maturity of a mid 30 something married man with children and a struggling 25 year old. When you get married I hope you'll get it. A 17 year old girl might think you're cool because an older woman at the office thinks you're hot, but your wife is not going to, nor will she feel more in love with you for it. She will love you more if she can sense humility and an exclusive dedication to her and her needs. That's what will make her feel she has married someone special - you - JG. If you're playing the field in the big game then as a woman I can tell you are really good, but if you are seriously looking to impress a real women and find a loving wife, you need the Bina V'da'as but you also need the Bi'tel. It's not as thirst quenching as the water cooler or as fun as rechilus, but it has it's own nutritional benefits and great long term side effects. Moshiach Now! Your friend, CS
Anonymous, at 1:56 PM
CS - M is not my frum boss. It referred to Matisyahu from the first comment. But you were right about everything else. The ego is at work here, and it is a dangerous force. My wife won't appreciate it. But I need more people like you around. Unfortunately, there aren't enough people like you to give mussar. Because boy do I need it. You don't know how much I wish it was me giving your argument. You said it just right. But I need help with the Bitel.
Josh, at 6:00 PM
Chasidus explains that the Yetzer Harah does not always come and bring us to avairahs, the worst thing the Yetzer harah does is make us complacent. By what you wrote you show you are way past complacency and processing these issues. There are many interactions in life that are sometimes inappropriate. The watercooler might be a hotspot but the internet can be one too. It's important for all of us to keep in mind what we are saying and who we are speaking too. Your friends and co workers come to your blog because of your warmth, personality and obvious talents. Your blog is a wonderful window to your interesting life. If your future wife were to become one of your readers,how would she feel about the cozy interactions with so many young women? I'd be willing to bet you will find her here so I'd write with her in mind. Just something to think about. I do enjoy all of your blogs. We all need help with the Bitel. Chag Kasher V'samayach. CS
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM
CS - Thanks again for your advice. I really do respect you, your maturity and your wisdom. It's interesting because I am infinitely more careful about how I act on the internet than at work. Not just because here everyone can see what I do, because I am very careful even in terms of the broader internet where I am anonymous. The truth is I don't do anything that bad at work either. I may be more outgoing than some, but I'm not that inappropriate. Keep in mind that I extract only those topics which really reflect the tension of working frum. I didn't post about the half hour discussion I had with 4 coworkers today about kashrus, because that isn't as interesting. So it's not all bad. And as far as my wife reading this, I write my blog with my name on it for the same reason I go to work with a beard and Payos - because I want my identity to be the first thing on my mind when I act. I have to think about my name and my people, and reflect well with what I do, both on the blog and at work. And I think that is very important for engendering actions that bespeak of the personality we want to present. So yes, no matter how quirky I may come across, that is me, and I'm not hiding it. So hopefully, my future wife, if there is one, will recognize my good and my bad, help me work towards that bittel, and direct me on that path of being seen as the Tzelem Elokim.
But Moshiach will probably come first.
Josh, at 7:10 PM
You are a Tzelem Elokim and I think you have already shown you have that firmly in mind when you explain kashrut to your co workers, get that drink at the watercooler and when you do chesed. A true mentch. Keep us posted on your life and I think with your high profile and true sensitivity being out there on the net for so many to see and share there is a good chance your future wife is already reading your blogs. She might already have her eye on you from a short distance. Stranger things have happened you know. May we will all dance at your wedding soon in Yirushalayim. You will be good to her and she will be very good for you. Moshiach Now! CS
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
CS - Thank you. Flattery isn't good for my Bittel...Hopefully, you represent everything I've described as well. I think this is a trait I admire in Shluchim as well. As far as my future wife, do you know something I don't know? I'm always taking applications...
We should all be zoche to share simchas together with all Klal Yisroel in the Beis Hamikdash, b'meheira u'vyameinu.
Josh, at 10:03 PM
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